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Plein Air Oil Painting Boot Camp

April 29 — May 1, 2022
Workshop fee $375

Do you want to learn to paint plein air but are intimidated or don’t know where to start?

This class is for beginner to intermediate painters and will be held in and around Grand Lake, Colorado. Scott will give you the low down on materials to use and why. He’ll help you build a palette of colors to meet your needs without breaking the bank. Knowing what tools are available and how to use them will give you a significant head start.

Scott will teach the fundamentals of painting outdoors, on location and get you out in the field to do plein air painting. He has great exercises to deal with changing light, composition and creating a work of art. You will leave the class with confidence to create your own interpretations of painting en plein air. Some portions of the workshop may be held indoors due to inclement weather.